33rd Annual Ancaster Community Food Drive
Planning has commenced for the full engagement of the Ancaster community in our 2025
33rd Annual Ancaster Community Food Drive.
In 2024, we managed to collect and distribute 75,000 lbs. of food donations to the 8 supported agencies.
This had resulted in exceeding the cumulative 2 million pound mark milestone of food donated to date.
Supporting Hamilton Area Emergency Food Bank and Community Service Agencies
Thanking the community of Ancaster for the cumulative total of 2,045,500 lbs. of donated food.

Important dates for the 33rd 2025 Ancaster Community Food Drive
Fire station Drop Offs – February 22nd to March 1st

365 Wilson St W, Ancaster, ON L9G 4X4

661 Garner Rd E, Ancaster, ON L9K 0C8
Flyer Day:
February 22,2025
School pick up day:
February 27, 2025
Actual Food Drive Day:
March 1, 2025
Thank you for your support!
ACFD Organizing Committee

Supported Agencies
Click on the logo below to be redirected to our supported agencies secure donation websites in support of the food drive, in the event you are unable to participate in the door to door drive on Saturday March 1, 2025. Although our focus is returning to the full engagement of the community and collection of non perishable food donations, the agencies are extremely grateful for any financial donations received. Where possible please add "Ancaster Community Food Drive" to messages/comments on applicable donation pages.
For individuals wishing to make a donation in support of the 33rd Ancaster Community Food Drive in the more traditional manner via a cheque, please see directions below.
Our agencies thank you for your support!
- Identify the Agency of choice from the following list, the date and amount of donation.
- In the memo section of your cheque identify “Ancaster Food Drive“ to alert the agency and have them record your donation accordingly.
- Once the cheque is completed – place in an envelope with the Agency name and corresponding address as listed to ensure that your donation is received at the appropriate agency office and processed.
- The Agency will provide a donation receipt for tax purposes as applicable.
Ancaster Community Services
300 Wilson Street East L9G 2B9
Good Venture Shepherd Centre
c/o Brother Terrence 155 Cannon St. Hamilton, Ont. L8N 3R1
Hamilton Food Share
339 Barton St. Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 2L2
Mission Services
PO Box 368 196 Wentworth St. N L8L 7W2
Neighbour to Neighbour
28 Athens St. Hamilton, On. L9C 3K9
St Matthew’s House
414 Barton Street East. Hamilton. L8L 2Y3
The Salvation Army
80 Bay St. N. Hamilton, Ont. L8R 3N3
Wesley Urban Ministries
467 Main St E. Hamilton, Ont. L8N 1K1
The Accomplishments of the Ancaster Community Food Drive.
32 Years
2,045,500 lbs of food collected
8 Local Supported Agencies